Wednesday, November 3, 2010


                Recently scientists have discovered a new material known as Graphene.  This material is a made up of tightly packed carbon into a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice.   This is a breakthrough because it is only an atom thick and is stronger than steel.  Scientists have also recently developed a new method for using water to tune the band gap, allowing for the development of graphene-based transistors and nanoelectronics.  This material conducts electricity extremely well and it is believed that it will revolutionize microprocessing, since it allows data to flow faster than their silicone counterparts.  Graphene also allows for carbon-based integrated circuits which could be powered with less energy.  In my opinion it seems that graphene has a lot of potential, but the transition between computers using silicon to graphene is a long way from occuring.   It really seems that this sort of technology will grow by leaps and bounds in the coming years and time will tell if this material will be as productive as scientists believe.   

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the potential for another leap in computer power.
