Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3-D Images

In recent years 3-D technolgoy has become more affordable and is starting to break into the homes with the invention of TVs cable of displaying 3-D. Although we still need to wear 3D glasses soon that may not be the case with upcoming technology. Physicists at the University of Arizona are taking steps toward that direction. What they have done is create a new technique which displays images in 3 dimensions, basically taking objects from one location and then showing them in another location in 3-D. This technique would allow viewers to see an object from different perspectives using a type of material called photorefractive polymer film. It is a type of film that 3-D images can be recorded and erased, and then replaced in nearly real time. This sort of technology will allow people to be more creative with projects, allowing advertisements to be shown in 3-D, more realistic 3-D movies, and more realistic games. In my opinion although this technology is a long way from becoming mainstream it is a very promising and useful technology. It's usefulness could stretch far beyond just commerical use. Maybe in the near future we may see some of this technology in use, but only time will tell.

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