Wednesday, December 1, 2010

IBM Chips

Recently IBM has achieved a major milestone in computer chip technology.  They have created a chip that's design uses conventional manufacturing, involves very small component parts, and will essentially allow a communication line of fiber-optic to be attached directly to the processor.  currently their technology consits of a processor that has six optical communication links.  The chip has six transmistters and receivers which are each capable of handling eight channels of data through multiplexing technology.  Each modulator within the hcips can oversee bandwith of 20 gigabits a second.  This technology is promising as far as allowing faster processors and reduces the amount of electromagnectic waves produced by high-speed electrical communications because each tiny wire ina computer acts as antenna.  This is due to the fact that it uses optical communications instead of electrical, and will allow chips to work under lower power.  Unfortunately these types are only in development stages and IBM has to focus on creating efficient, reliable manufacturing of the products and putting them into it's exascale supercomputer.  Later on this form of technology will most likely be available to the general public, only time will tell whether or not these chips will bring in a new wave of faster computers.

1 comment:

  1. We are almost at the point that faster computers are not really that important to the average user.
