Wednesday, December 22, 2010


In this day and age  the portable products that we buy are targets for theft.  We have devices such as laptops, smart phones, etc.  For the most part getting back stolen property can be a daunting task, but with the emergence of new technology that is a thing of the past.   There is a product called Hidden which allows for users to know the location of a stolen Mac system, gives them a picture of the thief, and screenshots of the computer in use.  The way this product works is the user installs it, configures it, and then if it is stolen the user simply logs into their Hidden account and gets the data.  After this the police may use the information given to them by the user to get back their property.  In my opinion technology like this makes people feel safer and lets them not worry as much about their stuff being stolen.  Hopefully more products like this will come about to be used on other items like I-Phones, other laptops, etc.

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