Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Self Driving Cars!

    Self driving cars has always been science fiction until recently. Google has recently had success with test driving a "robot-car". This sort of technology allows for people to be driven around autonomously. This is done by the use of radar sensors, video cameras, and a type of laser ranger finder that senses traffic.  According to Google this would be safer, help reduce traffic, and make the cars more lightweight to pave the way for more fuel efficient cars. So far the only accident that has occurred was when one of them was rear ended at a red traffic light. 
   In my opinion this sort of technology would definitely help all drivers to be safer and more convenient. This would help drivers who are busy doing lots of things and allow them to talk, text, or do business while on their way to work.  Commuters would have more time to work on projects especially on those long trips to the office during rush hour.  One problem with this is the fact that traffic laws would have to be changed considering the fact that they were written with only human drivers in mind. Another problem would be if this sort of car will be effective against reckless drivers whom may try to cut off the robot-car or may be swerving.  We will have to wait and see because it seems that it won't be until almost a decade from now when we will see these cars on the road.

1 comment:

  1. This kind of technology has been in development for years. I think we still need people making the judgements necessary with aid for braking and steering etc.
