Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3-D Printing!

Technology has made leaps and bounds in the recent years and one such technology is called 3d printing.  It is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material. ( This sort of technology can be used for a variety of things stemming all the way from jewelry and footwear to architecture, automotive, or even dental and medical industries.  This sort of technology may allow us to make more intricate and detailed products in the near future.  This has been proven by companies making life like prosthetic limbs.  Soon companies may even expand this to create entire buildings just using 3d printers.  This has both advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages would be it could be cheaper than actually paying workers to create products, allow products to be created faster, and products can be more intricate.  Also 3d printing technology is currently being studied so that it will be possible in the near future to replace organs and body parts.  The disadvantages of this is that this sort of technology would cause many people would lose their jobs to these 3d printers, if an error happens it is harder to fix, and that not everyone can afford a 3d printer and the technology is far from perfect. Personally even though this technology has some disadvantages in the long run 3d printing will allow companies to save money, build things faster, and make things generally cheaper since the cost of making products would be lower.

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